The Cedars Primary School

Curriculum Information

At The Cedars Primary School our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and aspires to meet the needs of the children by being broad and balanced. Due to the wide ranging needs of our children we differentiate so that all can access the curriculum and re-build their love for learning.

Please have a look at the following information to gain an understanding of how we present the curriculum to our children.

If you have any further questions about how children learn at The Cedars Primary School please email or phone 0208 230 0015 and ask to speak to Ms Farmer.

Curriculum Overviews

The Cedars Curriculum (Click to view Google slide - some areas under construction)



The school uses Phonics International as the basis for teaching phonics, this is a DfE validated scheme. Phonics International is 'a highly-organised, systematic and yet flexible online synthetic phonics programme (program). Designed for all ages and needs and suitable for anyone who wants to learn to read and spell.'

We have chosen to use this scheme at The Cedars Primary School as we feel that the flexibility it offers suits the varied needs of our children who can join the school at very differing levels of phonological learning.

To learn more about Phonics International or to download and use any of the resources at home click here. For more information about our teaching of phonics please email 

High Street, Cranford TW5 9RU

0208 230 0015 or